Jaypee Insitute of Information Technology (JIIT) has announced admissions to its various programs for year 2015. For admissions in their B. Tech (four years) and Integrated B. Tech – M. Tech (five years) programs in CSE, ECE and IT/Biotechnology
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NIOS October 2015 Exam Notification
National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) will be conducting examinations for secondary and senior secondary in the month of October 2015.

CBSE Datesheet 2013 – Xth and XIIth
The CBSE Has announced its datesheet for the year 2013 for both Class Xth and Class XIIth. The examinations would start from 1st March, 2013

What Everybody Ought to Know About NEET Exam
The word NEET has been ringing in the academic circles for quite a while now. We gathered little bits of information from varied sources to form a complete picture of the examination and here it is.

JEE Advanced, 2013 – How to Apply
This contains information on how to apply for JEE Advanced (Formerly IIT-JEE) and contains the last date of fee submission along with the Bank to submit the details…

Everything you need to know about JEE MAINS
Here is a guide explaining everything a student needs to know about JEE (MAINS). Contains eligibility, datesheet and information for droppers and regular students…