These are CBSE Practical experiments which includes aim, apparatus required, theory, procedure, observation table format, calculations. Calculations and few elements are left blank as they are to be filled up by students once they finish their practicals…
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How to write factual descriptions
Factual description of a process or an event requires a step by step account of an activity, experiment, procedure.The ideas should be…
Writing a Notice – The CBSE Way
A notice is written in order to inform people or pupils (in a school) about an event or an activity. It could be about a competition, an exhibition or inauguration to take place in near future or any other activity like an excursion.
Row major and Column Major Address calculations
In this tutorial, we’ll learn to calculate the address of a particular element in a multidimensional array for row major and column major ordering…
A Thing of Beauty explanation
A Thing of Beauty is a poem written by the famous romantic poet, John Keats. The poem tells about how nature and its wonder mesmerize us and take away all the sorrow that surrounds us from time to time. This explanation might aid…
Advertisements – The CBSE Way
Advertising is a type of communication whereby people promote or persuade customers to utilize their services. Classified and Display advertisements often find their place in CBSE board examinations….