Note making is an advanced writing skill which is acquiring increasing importance due to knowledge explosion. There is a need to remember at least the main points of any given subject. Making notes is a complex activity which combines several skills…
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A Roadside Stand Explanation
A roadside stand is a poem written by the highly-acclaimed poet, Robert Frost who is regarded for his realistic depiction of rural life…
How to write a speech – The CBSE Way
Speech is a verbal interaction with an audience and given for many reasons. A speech makes it easy for a person to make his or her message reach out to the audience and any point of view that one wants to be known and understood by people, can be send across the medium of verbal […]
Figures of speech in English poetry – CBSE Way
Figures of speech are the most common type of questions which are asked in CBSE or for that matter any board examination. Since, poetry has so many things to learn about, it’s not at all easy to mug up all the instances where we are asked these in the poems…
How to use brainstorming technique to write quickly and neatly
Essays, articles and factual descriptions can be easily organized and written neatly using a simple technique called brainstorming…