With a view to express their own views, opinions or arguments people take to write articles or speeches. These are issues that concern people in general. People in such cases want to raise issues to motive others to think and support…
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Learn Note-making
Note making is an advanced writing skill which is acquiring increasing importance due to knowledge explosion. There is a need to remember at least the main points of any given subject. Making notes is a complex activity which combines several skills…
A Roadside Stand Explanation
A roadside stand is a poem written by the highly-acclaimed poet, Robert Frost who is regarded for his realistic depiction of rural life…
A Guide to Value-based questions (With Sample Papers)
CBSE has introduced value based questions from 2013 for both Class 12th and class 10th. The following guide might aid you in understanding the new type of questions…
Everything you need to know about JEE MAINS
Here is a guide explaining everything a student needs to know about JEE (MAINS). Contains eligibility, datesheet and information for droppers and regular students…
JEE 2013 Format for Admission to IITs, NITs, DTU & CFTIs
There will be a common paper JEE to get into IITS as well as NITs, IIITS and other CFIs. The detailed scheme of examination with eligibility criteria is inside the post…