The poem was written by Pablo Neruda in Spanish but later translated to English. Its main thrust was the significance of introspection and retrospection…
Tag Archives | 12th

CBSE Topper Answer Sheets 2013 – 12th
This page contains the scanned answer transcripts students who scored the highest marks in the examination conducted in 2013 for Class XIIth…

An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Explanation
An elementary school classroom in a slum was published by Stephen Spender in 1964. The poem resonates the poet’s political views and brings forth the difficulties faced by the kids in slums. This poem was written to highlight the social injustice prevailing at that time in the world. This article summarizes…

CBSE Question Papers 2007 – Class 12th
Here are the question papers of class 12th from 2007 examinations. There’s also a single link download for each stream. Download them to get your stream’s papers in one go!

CBSE Question Papers 2008 – Class 12th
These are the question papers of the 2008 board examinations for Class 12th. We’ve also included marking schemes (also known as Key) for all subjects…

CBSE Question Papers 2009 – Class 12th
These are the question papers of CBSE board examinations for the year 2009. Scroll to the stream you are in to download all papers in a single go!